It can come on suddenly, without warning, and ruin any plans you might have had for the day. Vertigo is a condition that causes you to feel dizzy and off balance. People with Vertigo frequently comment that they feel like they are moving (“I feel like I’m on a boat”) despite standing still. Nausea, vomiting, and headaches can also accompany Vertigo which only makes it worse.
You are tired of feeling dizzy all the time.
You have tried laying on the bed with one foot on the floor, taking motion sickness medications, resting in a dark room; you may have even tried “toughing it out” but nothing is improving your Vertigo symptoms. Your physician doesn’t seem to have any more information or help for you. You don’t know what to do but you know you can’t live a full life with these symptoms.
You are worried that chronic dizziness is a precursor to something worse.
You’re frequently losing your balance or have fallen due to dizziness.
You’ve called in sick to work because you can’t sit up without the room spinning.
You’ve relied on your partner or family to help with day-to-day tasks because you’re stuck in bed.
While it is common to experience temporary Vertigo after activities like riding roller coasters or going on a cruise, chronic or frequent Vertigo can be more concerning. You just want to go back to living your normal life.
Physical therapy can help relieve Vertigo symptoms
Whether Vertigo is a chronic condition that you have dealt with for some time or is a new symptom you are experiencing, physical therapy can help. Neck pain, upper cervical problems, blood pressure issues, decreased function of your inner ear, or a traumatic brain injury can all cause the symptoms of Vertigo or balance issues. No matter the reason for your dizziness, we can help you reduce your symptoms and help you get back to feeling like yourself.
Our Physical Therapist, Rylan Willis, has years of experience evaluating and treating vestibular conditions such as Vertigo. Rylan can determine the cause of your Vertigo and balance difficulties by performing a standard examination. Your symptoms could be the result of many different factors as it is important to identify the cause so that Rylan can make a treatment plan specific to your needs.
Call us today to schedule an appointment for Vertigo and balance therapy.